Nucleus HP is a high performance 8-24-4 starter fertilizer that gives your crops a jump start on strong, early growth. It's a unique 50/50 ortho/polyphosphate blend that is tank mix friendly and can be applied at lower rates than 10-34-0 or 11-37-0. With Nutris Formulation Technology, Nucleus HP increases nutrient availability that can result in improved plant vigor and enhances development of roots to improve yield potential.

Nucleus HP 8-24-4 50/50 Highlights:

  • Lower application rates than 11-37-0 or 10-34-0
  • Unique 50/50 ortho/polyphosphate blend
  • Tank mix friendly with insecticides or other early-season nutritional additives
  • Seed safe at labeled rates
  • Can be applied in-furrow or 2X2 placement
  • Low salt content
  • Contains Nutris Formulation Technology:
    • Increases nutrient availability to the crop that can result in improved plant vigor
    • Enhances development of roots to improve yield potential
    • Drives faster, more uniform emergence
    • Maximizes fertilizer application


Nucleus HP 8-24-4 50/50 Product Resources: