KickStand Zn 7 contains 7 percent water-soluble zinc for rapid availability. It can offset zinc tie up in high pH soils. KickStand Zn 7 requires no pre-dilution with water, offers good mixability, is very stable and will not stain. The Asset Formulation Technology in KickStand Zn 7 provides extended nutrient uptake, solubilization of many trace elements in the soil and stronger root system growth.

Kickstand Zn 7 Highlights:

  • Improves zinc availability and uptake
  • Contains  EDTA-chelated 7 percent Zinc
  • Mixes easily with ortho- and polyphosphate based starter fertilizer solutions
  • Contains organic acids and other fertilizer additives
  • Safe to crops
  • Enhances plant root structure
  • Contains Asset Formulation Technology:
    • Aids fertilizer in promoting early root development
    • Higher nutrient and moisture uptake
    • Higher yield potential
    • Stronger plant growth that can lead to earlier harvest potential

Kickstand Zn 7 Product Resources: