HyGround® is one of the most advanced soil management programs offered in the market. Trained field technicians using specialized equipment along with other known field data identify the best sampling plan along with the number of samples to be submitted for analysis to certified soil testing labs. Using this unique sample data, crop information and cropping system along with many other variables we create a nutrient plan. A nutrient prescription is written and applied using the latest most updated variable rate technology varying the nutrients across the field to maximize yield and return.
ASK® is Helena’s exclusive soil fertility recommendation program. ASK starts where most recommendation programs stop. ASK looks at the many factors that impact crop production. Where most believe that fertility recommendations are a simple process, ASK goes above and beyond. ASK is a recommendation process that was created through knowledge extracted from the minds of industry professionals and soil specialists with many years of education, training, and field application knowledge while still taking into consideration key grower feedback.
SeedStrong® is a powerful seed placement program that utilizes key variables collected from HyGround and TruYield along with other important field variables specific to each field. This combined data is then processed through proprietary algorithms developed by our experienced agronomists. The resultant reports and data allow for a custom seeding recommendation specific to the potential of the field, crop and plant variety recommended.
As a farm information management and record keeping program this service offering allows farmers to keep digital records that help them combine paper and digital records. OnPoint® allows for quick access to field history, record storage and protection of field data history that can be readily available across their entire operation. This is the foundation to helping farmers participate and comply with important regulatory programs such as Sustainability programs, EQIP (Environmental Quality Incentives Program), GAP (Good Agriculture Practices) and Food Safety initiatives tracking details from the field to the fork.
InSpex® is a crop specific monitoring program using highly skilled and knowledgeable crop scouts who will make scheduled visits to each field throughout the season. These visits will include a visual observation that may involve further testing and sampling to identify pest problems (weeds, insects, disease, rain, wind, drought, flooding, etc.). Scouts will determine relevant threshold levels and if specific treatments are necessary.

Extractor® is an exclusive plant tissue analysis program where plant samples are collected from the field often partnered with the INSPEX program. These plant tissue samples are delivered and analyzed by certified labs to determine the plant health and actual nutrient levels of the plant. These results allow Helena to better understand the true condition of the plant in order to make in-season adjustments ensuring that the crop is receiving the necessary nutrients to maximize yield potential.
TruYield® is a yield mapping service to help determine field and farm performance based on actual crop yields within a field which includes looking at it over time. Crop yield results are plotted across the field and mapped to show a visual picture of the crop performance and then can be compared to an unlimited number of variables across the field that have the potential to impact yield and crop performance. This information is considered the field “report card” that assists farmers and their advisors into improving their decision making in order to maximize field output and to best manage their overall investment.
AquaLenz® is an advanced spray water analysis system comprised of custom recommendations based upon specific conditions. These water samples are extracted from local water sources. The samples are then analyzed by approved labs, who are verified to meet strict requirements and quality guidelines to provide the most qualified and consistent results.